Congratulations on your engagement! Now that you and your fiancé have agreed on hiring a videographer to capture the magic moments of your wedding, your decision has only just begun. There are many things to consider when choosing your wedding videographer and format or a professional videographer in general. For instance, Should you hire a videographer who uses standard definition (SD) or high definition (HD) to capture your memories? As technology advances, so does your choice of video formats. You must ask for a demonstration or research different video qualities, in order to determine your preference.
High Definition Video
High Definition has become one of the most popular videography recording formats. Of all other video formats, HD is the most expensive because it is known to provide the highest resolution and best video quality. When you hire a videographer who records in HD, the results are clear, colorful and vivid videos. There are many advantages to high definition. Beside capturing just how vivid the colors of your dress look, you will have a video that will stand up to the technical wave of the future.
Standard Definition
If you decide not to capture your video in HD, that’s not to say that standard definition or digital recording degrades the video. Standard definition is still one the mostly used recording formats videographers use. In fact, 90% of the videos online are not HD videos. The practical comparison is to watching a DVD (Standard Definition) and compare it to a blu-ray (High Definition). Although there is a difference between the two, SD quality is still a clear and sharp option.
Like with most of the technology and tools, what matters is who operates it and their experience. When choosing your wedding videographer and format, there are many things to consider but the critical factor is experience. You will be able to see the videographer’s ability once he/she shows you their video portfolio (a must before hiring a videographer). Whether they have a reality-TV, documentary, interviews, voice-over, Art like or cinematic style, you’ll be able to determine which style captures your attention but most important, the wedding of your dreams. If you are looking for professional videographers in NJ, NY or CT, contact us and we’ll be delightful to give you a demonstration and help you plan the wedding of your dreams.
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